General Questions

Q: What does HCM stand for? Is that different than QHCM? 

A: The acronym stands for Human Capital Management. QHCM is Quantum Human Capital Management. You will hear this term a lot as it is the name for the new Human Resources and Payroll system! 

Q: What does the testing phase look like and who will be identified as testers/users prior to full system implementation? 

A: SMEs (subject matter experts) have been identified from various departments across UMB and will be included in the testing plan. 

Absence—Requesting Absences

Q: Will absences apply to non-exempt staff or will they enter their time off on a timecard? 

A: Absences (currently known as Leave) will be entered through Absence for non-exempt employees not on the timecard. 

Q: Are other employees able to see who else has been approved for absence? 

A: Other employees do not have access to see approved absences; only the employee's line manager can see approved absences. 

Q: Can employees submit comments with absence requests? 

A: This will be addressed during system training. 

Q: Is there a time limit for retroactive leave requests? 
(ex: Out of office on the last day of a pay period and return to work after the submission deadline)

A: This will be addressed during system training. 

Q: Can I submit a combination of absence hours for a requested absence? 
(ex: 4 hours of personal + 4 hours of annual)

A: Yes! 

Absence—Workflows & Manager Responsibilities

Q: Do managers have to approve time and absences directly in Quantum HCM? 

A: Time and Absences will be directly in Quantum HCM. Approvals will also happen in the system and can be delegated if necessary.

Q: When I submit a leave request for the upcoming week, but my manager is away on vacation, who will approve the request? 

A: Line managers can delegate approvals to another system user when they are out.

Q: Will the absence calendar be integrated with the manager’s Outlook calendar? 

A: There is not currently an integration between Oracle Cloud and Outlook.

Q: Can managers add notes? 
(ex: “Schedule to work in office but approved to WFH”)

A: This will be addressed during system training.

Q: Does the department chair have to approve absences for all faculty? 

A: New business processes will be worked out within the department.

Q: What types of leave can a line manager see? Personal, parental extended, etc. 

A: Line Managers will be able to see all leave types that an employee can take.

Absences—General Questions

Q: Can I move an absence/part of an absence to another day? 

A: This will be addressed during system training.

Access & Security

Q: Will there be levels of access and/or approvals? 

A: Yes, there will be levels of access and approvals.

Integrations with Current Systems

Q: How will the system integrate with FPI for SOM departments? 

A: As of now, there are no plans for Quantum HCM to integrate with external entities, specifically FPI.

Organization Charts

Q: Will QHCM have an in-house automated organization chart feature? 

A: We plan to have an organization chart feature available to all employees that depicts the structure of the department where the employee works.

Q: If someone leaves and is replaced, will the new employee be reflected and automatically updated in the system? 

A: The employee's replacement will be in the system as soon as they go through the entire hire process.

Time Entry & Payroll

Q: If a department wants to have different supervisors vs timesheet supervisors, is this possible? 

A: New business processes will be worked out within the department.